Convergence Insufficiency

Convergence insufficiency (CI) is a condition that affects eye coordination, making it difficult for an individual to properly align their eyes when focusing on nearby objects. Some individuals may struggle to bring their eyes together (converge), while others may not be able to sustain convergence for long periods. This can lead to discomfort, eye strain, and even double vision when performing close-up tasks like reading or working on a computer.

Convergence is a visual skill that is developed over time. While some individuals naturally develop strong convergence abilities, others may struggle with it, leading to visual challenges.

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Symptoms of Convergence Insufficiency

People with CI may experience symptoms while engaging in near-point activities. These symptoms tend to worsen with increased visual effort and fatigue.

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Common symptoms include:

Less common symptoms include:

The severity of symptoms can vary from mild discomfort to significant visual challenges that make it difficult to perform near tasks effectively.

Can Adults Have Convergence Insufficiency?

Yes, convergence insufficiency occurs in both children and adults. Although there are no large-scale epidemiological studies on CI in adults, it is a recognized condition that can be diagnosed and treated at any age.

How Is Convergence Insufficiency Diagnosed?

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Causes of Convergence Excess

Like CI, convergence excess is caused by poor control of eye coordination. While individuals with CE can converge their eyes, they do so excessively, leading to visual strain and discomfort.

Symptoms of Convergence Excess

People with CE experience symptoms similar to those of CI, especially during close-up tasks like reading or using a computer. Although they can complete near tasks, they often tire quickly compared to those without vision issues.

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Common symptoms include:

Less common symptoms include:

The severity of symptoms can vary from mild discomfort to significant visual challenges that make it difficult to perform near tasks effectively.

Treatment for Convergence Insufficiency and Convergence Excess

The treatment approach for CI and CE varies based on the severity of the condition and whether other functional vision problems (such as eye focusing or movement issues) are present. Treatment options include:

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By addressing convergence issues through tailored treatments, individuals can experience significant relief from discomfort and improve their ability to perform everyday tasks. If you suspect you have a vision problem, schedule an evaluation with us to explore potential solutions.