Glaucoma is a serious eye condition that can lead to irreversible damage and vision loss. It occurs when the intraocular pressure in the eye rises to an unhealthy level, putting stress on the optic nerve, which is essential for transmitting visual information to the brain. This increased pressure can be caused by a variety of factors, including genetics, age, and certain medical conditions. If left untreated, glaucoma can progress silently and may result in severe visual impairment or complete blindness.
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Surgery Completed
How to Know If You Have Glaucoma
Glaucoma can be hard to notice at first, because it doesn’t cause any pain or symptoms. But over time, you may notice some changes in your vision, such as:
Having trouble seeing things on the sides of your eyes
Seeing blurry or cloudy images
Seeing rings or halos around lights
Having red or sore eyes
Having headaches
Having eye pain
If you have any of these signs, you should come to our hospital as soon as possible. The sooner we find out if you have glaucoma, the better we can treat it and save your sight.
What Causes Glaucoma and Who Can Get It
Glaucoma is usually caused by too much fluid in your eyes. This fluid helps your eyes stay healthy and clear, but sometimes it doesn’t drain well and builds up pressure. This pressure can damage the nerves that carry images from your eyes to your brain.
Anyone can get glaucoma, but some people are more likely to get it than others. You may have a higher chance of getting glaucoma if you:
Have high pressure in your eyes
Have a family member who has glaucoma
Have had an eye injury or surgery
Use steroid medicines for a long time
Have very nearsighted or farsighted eyes
How We Diagnose and Treat Glaucoma
To find out if you have glaucoma, we will do some tests on your eyes. These tests will check:
Pressure of your eyes
Peripheral vision that is how well you can see things on the sides of your eyes
How healthy your optic nerve is (the nerve that connects your eyes to your brain)
How thick your cornea is
How well your eye fluid drains
We will also take pictures of your eyes to see if there are any changes or damage.
Based on the results of these tests, we will make a plan to treat your glaucoma. There are different ways to treat glaucoma, depending on how severe it is and what works best for you. Some of the options are:
Eye drops or pills that lower the pressure in your eyes
Laser therapy that makes small holes in your eye to help the fluid drain better
Surgery that creates a new way for the fluid to leave your eye
We will explain the benefits and risks of each option and help you choose the best one for you. We will also monitor your eyes regularly and adjust your treatment as needed.
How We Use the Best Technology for Your Eyes
Rebound Tonometer
A device that gently taps your eye to measure the pressure
Goldman Applanation Tonometer
A device that flattens your eye with a small force to measure the pressure
A lens that lets us see the angle where your eye fluid drains
Optical Coherence Tomography
A machine that uses light to take detailed pictures of your eyes
Anterior Optical Coherence Tomography
A machine that uses light to take detailed pictures of the front part of your eyes
Sub-Cyclo Laser Treatment
A laser that lowers the pressure in your eyes by reducing the fluid production
Perimetry Machine
A machine that tests how well you can see things on the sides of your eyes
Why Choose Nandadeep Hospital ?Find Out The Latest Types Of Lenses Used For Glaucoma Treatment
Explore our informative videos showcasing the latest advancements in glaucoma surgery options. From minimally invasive techniques to cutting-edge procedures, we provide in-depth insights into the innovative surgical approaches available for effectively managing glaucoma and preserving your vision.