Squint Eye Problem
At Nandadeep Eye Hospital, we have a dedicated Squint Department that specializes in providing advanced eye care for all kinds of eye problems, for both children and adults of different age groups. Our team of experts can diagnose and treat your squint eye with the most suitable methods, such as vision therapy, spectacle correction, or surgery. Our squint surgeon is one of the top 10 in India.

What is a Squint Eye?
A squint eye, also known as strabismus, is a condition where the eyes do not align properly and point in different directions. For example, one eye may look straight ahead, while the other eye may turn inwards, outwards, upwards, or downwards. This can affect your ability to see clearly and perceive depth.
Normally, the eyes work together to focus on the same point at the same time, with the help of the extra ocular muscles that control the eye movements and eyelids. However, sometimes these muscles do not coordinate well, or there is a problem in the nervous system that affects the eye coordination. This can cause a squint eye to develop.
How Common is a Squint Eye?
A squint eye is quite common in India, affecting about 4% to 6% of the general population. However, premature babies have a much higher chance of developing a squint eye, with a rate of 30% to 40%.

What are the Risk Factors for a Squint Eye?
Some people are more likely to develop a squint eye than others, due to various factors, such as:
- Having a stroke, Down syndrome, or cerebral palsy
- Having hyperopia or far-sightedness, which makes the eyes strain more to see clearly
- Having a family history of squint eye
- Having poor vision in one eye
- Having hydrocephalus, a condition where excess fluid builds up in the brain
- Having brain tumours, head injuries, neurological problems, or Graves’ disease, which can affect the brain, nerves, or muscles that control the eye movements
Indications for Squint treatment:
- Glasses and myopia therapy for restoration and correction of vision
- Correction of deviation for cosmetic purposes
- Correction of deviation for preservation and restoration of binocular vision
- Prevention of diplopia

When Should You Seek Treatment for a Squint Eye?
If you have a squint eye, you should seek treatment as soon as possible, for the following reasons:
- To improve your vision and correct any refractive errors, such as near-sightedness or far-sightedness
- To enhance your appearance and confidence by aligning your eyes properly
- To preserve and restore your binocular vision, which allows you to see in three dimensions and judge distances accurately
- To prevent double vision, which can occur when the brain receives different images from each eye

How is a Squint Eye Treated ?
At Nandadeep Eye Hospital, we offer a range of treatment options for a squint eye, depending on the type, severity, and cause of the condition. These include:
Correction of Refractive Error
This involves wearing glasses or contact lenses to improve your vision and reduce the eye strain that can cause or worsen a squint eye.
Vision Therapy
This involves performing various exercises and activities, either with conventional methods or software-based programs, to train your eyes to work together and improve your eye coordination and alignment.
This involves covering the stronger eye with a patch, to force the weaker eye to work harder and improve its vision. This can also help treat lazy eye.
This involves operating on the extra ocular muscles that control the eye movements, to adjust their position and tension, and make the eyes point in the same direction. This can improve the cosmetic appearance and the binocular vision of the patient.

Our Squint Eye Specialist

Optom Sayan Mukherjee
B.Optom., M. Optom. Consultant Optometrist, Vision Therapy, Speciality Contact lens
Why Choose Nandadeep Hospital ?Find Out The Latest Types Of Treatment Used For Squint Eye Problem
Explore our informative videos showcasing the latest advancements in Squint Eye Problem. From minimally invasive techniques to cutting-edge procedures, we provide in-depth insights into the innovative surgical approaches available for effectively managing Pediatric and preserving your vision.