Visual Snow Syndrome
Visual Snow Syndrome
- Visual Snow Syndrome (VSS) is a rare disorder often mistaken for a neurological condition. It is primarily an abnormality of the visual system, characterized by persistent flashing or static dots that cover the visual field.
- In addition to this hallmark symptom, individuals with VSS may experience other related symptoms that vary between patients. These can include heightened sensitivity to light (photosensitivity), discomfort caused by light (photophobia), difficulty seeing in low light (nyctalopia), visual disturbances (photopsia), and afterimages (palinopsia). While the exact cause of VSS remains unknown, current research suggests that the syndrome may be linked to other conditions such as migraines, tinnitus, anxiety, depression, and concussions.
- Furthermore, patients with VSS may encounter a range of cognitive and visual challenges, including trouble concentrating, brain fog, and slower visual processing.
- Recent studies have highlighted the effectiveness of Neuro-Optometric Rehabilitation and Vision Therapy programs in significantly alleviating symptoms of Visual Snow Syndrome. These treatments have shown promising results in improving overall quality of life for patients.
- At Nandadeep Eye Hospital, we adopt a tailored approach to treating VSS, achieving a high success rate in helping patients manage their symptoms and enhance their well-being.